Sunday, 15 October 2017

Cardiff 10k 2017

Cardiff 10k. Looking for a fast 10k to just get a pb in the bag, was running ok.but hadn't had any speed sessions all summer after our training group struggles to get time. House building taken priorities.

Great event with 8k people at the start line Inc the best in the UK.

Started off steady as I dare and picked up the pace seeing how the legs felt. Bit tentative to get going as my pace was definetly not with me but strong enough to hang on. Got passed by a few going to half way then I was able to keep the same pace in the legs as we hit 7k.

The faster starters started slowing and I picked off a lot of runners of the last few miles. Kept my splits the same all the way around and managed the 2nd half slightly quicker. Very strange but had no company for 90% of the run. People to quick at start and to slow at the end.

Saw the clock going to the last mile and I was close to sub 35. Passed 3rd lady and gaining on a few more but wasn't to be. 35.03. Pb for a 10k. But 10sec slower than my splits in Cardiff half marathon though.

Motivated after to get the training in order.

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