Sunday, 5 August 2018

Alp Duez Triathlon 2018

So with my morning breakfast on my 35 birthday Mrs Lewis told me to check my emails, she'd been shopping. She'd entered me into Europe's hardest Triathlons Alp duez in August. Soooooo Excited when I found out, then realised I had a baby on the way in 3 months and that I had to start swimming properly. Both as bad as each other.

Aled Morgan from Lampeter had also entered in the news I was going so we had a full family adventure to plan.

Luckily his wife Elinor refused to get us flustered with the planning and sorted everything out. We were driving!! Excited

Popping Sands 5k

Great event which can bring together some quick runners on it's day.

Not many to see today. Steady start again and hit the sand in 4th position behind a couple of 17 year old's and a Scottish runner from Motherwell Ac.

Got to.the front on the beach and started opening a gap. On the tarmac straight through lap 2 I though id done enough to make things comfortable but the 49 year old Scottish runner had a good turn of speed and pulled away. RACE was on. I caught him towards the last 1.5k on to the beach and pulled away again winning by 25 seconds. Amazingly a pb which I'd didn't think was there. Think the hard  sand helped. 17.28.